Monday, June 26, 2006

Hollow Drums and the Customer Spirit

One of my seniors said drums produce big noise because they are hollow. He had his way of saying that ideate and think and dont be hollow else we produce noise .

I wonder what our life will be without drums or beats. Drums are the only way to communicate in many civilization and even in advanced societies drums are source of music(ask a Rap artist what his life would be without beats!!) . The hollow is another mystical concept - Take India or Middle East - Hollow , Void and emptiness is a source of spirit and thus all spiritual thinking revolves around void.

Hollowness is the essence of life - as its a significator of change - creation stems from it and dissolves in it . So does ideas spring through hollow mind and disperse in universe . They become significant through membrane / facilitation and recognition. Hollowness is symolic of nullness and ego and pride signies fullness . When there is fullness of ego the hollow yet prophetic message of self is unheard

In Hindu mythology Hollowness or void called Para Brahma created three gods/ trinity

Brahma - The creator
Vishnu - The Preserver
Shiva - The Destroyer

Choas is a creation of fullness of human filth and ego . Creativity on the contrary spurs from hollowness. This principle can be applied in corporate life easily .

We are working at a telco whih seems to have many issues with its customers. We are doing a whole bunch of things to save them - sometimes over call them and make them leave faster ;-)

Customer Nirvana is achieved by creating trinity in customer experience :

Brahma --> Have creative people involved in continous creation of new products and services.

Vishnu --> Have intelligent people understand how to manage customers to preserve

Shiva ---> Always understand that the one you want can be at the cost of one you dont want . Always know who you dont want so that the task of keeping whom you want is easy. Keeping a big base of customers is like dealing with obesity

These three principles of customer management doesnt lead to nirvana . Void or hollowness is critical to delight . Leave your customers in peace .

Lets leave this thought here and go back to myth ...

Life is composed of five elements called Panch Bhoot :

1. Fire 2. Water 3. Air 4. Earth and most important 5. Space

Now lets see hw it applies to our case :

Fire --> Fire in customers is creation of needs --> Desire

Water --> The only way to quench fire is water and so Quench the desire exactly as the fire is . An ice cream cannot quench thirst compared to water . So if desire is to quench thirst just give water and not ice cream(cross sells)

Air --> Air takes fragrance and also allows us to breathe --> Let Air be carrier of breathing which translates to experience --> let your customer experience and live through the desire well and then add your fragrance - Add ons.

Earth --> Substance, materialism and fullfillment --> Let Earth be the substance or physical manifestation of desire and so it be the end of it in physical form .

Space --> Harmony is incomplete without hollowness -> Let your customer enjoy space and void . Harmonise to his desires to help him create space .

The Trinity and Panch Bhoot are essence of life and can be applied in any context and any problem to create success

More to come..............